Ryder Sunglasses win Best in Show at 2012 Seattle Bicycle Expo

This is less a product review and more a style points mention. Look out 1970’s! The lads from Vancouver BC’s Ryders Eyewear took the 2012 Greater Seattle Bicycle Expo by storm. Their 1970’s attire and sensibility won the judges hearts. They also sold some pretty cool eyewear to boot.

Who’s hot?

Belgian Tom Boonen 2012 Paris-Roubaix victory has equaled Roger De Vlaeminck’s record of four victories in the Paris – Roubaix. Boonen has been on a Spring terror this season. Congratulations to Tom Boonen for his consistency this season. He is truly a talented bicycle racer when properly prepared for sport. Lance Armstrong (www.LanceArmstrong.com and www.Livestrong.com) […]

Speedplay Cleat fore/aft Extender Base Plate Kit

The Speedplay fore/aft adapter kit is an important piece in non-regular fit solutions for orthopedically challenged bike fit solutions. The extender base plate can replace speedplay’s standard base plate. The extender base plate is reported to create 2mm additional forward positioning and 14mm additional rearward positioning than the standard base plate. The ability of the […]

Simple signs your cleats are poorly positioned

Poor bike cleat positioning is one of the most common pathomechanics for anterior knee pain, iliotibial band syndrome and foot numbness and pain. You don’t have to be a bike-fit wizard to know if your cleat position is not quite right. There are some simple signs to help identify a poor cleat position: consistent numbness […]

Pro-Tec Ice Up Anti-inflammatory tricks

There are clear benefits of ice applications to injuries or areas of inflammation. The benefits include limiting onset of inflammation, decreasing pain and improving the chance of tissue recovery. Ice massage is an effective method of cooling a superficial and site specific area of inflammation, such as tendinitis, contusion, or patello-femoral pain syndrome. Effective ice […]

Time iClic road pedal review

With the release of the iClic pedal, Time almost regained their former glory (but almost only counts in horse shoes). I’ve been waiting since 1991 for Time to release a pedal that matched the incredibly smooth float functionality of their original road pedal. Luckily, I wasn’t holding my breath, or I would have perished from […]

Erik Moen at 2012 Seattle Bicycle Expo

Erik Moen PT will be speaking at the 2012 Seattle Bicycle Expo on Sunday, March 11, from 11:20 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Topic: 5 Keys to Riding Faster in 2012. Check out the full Seattle Bicycle Expo schedule.

Top 5 Reasons why a professional bike fit is important for success

A professional BikePT fit can help in so many ways to improve the experience of riding your bike. Here are five quick ways: 1. Cycling should not hurt You would see a Physical Therapist if it hurt to walk or run, why should riding a bike be any different? If riding your bike hurts, precision […]

Black ice is a bummer for bicyclists

Northwest winters are dark and often times wet. If that isn’t bad enough, the wet roads will sometimes freeze, creating areas of black ice. The combination of darkness with patches of ice make it very difficult to identify and navigate safe pavement during a bicycle commute. A patch of black ice can quickly throw a […]