Blazing Saddles – what you don’t know can hurt you

I’ve had bike saddle issues for twenty years, and until my BikePT made a recommendation, I had been riding the wrong saddles for about twenty years. I experienced various problematic injuries and irritations during those years, and I had no idea they were caused by my saddle choices. I have always had the hardest time […]

An introduction to cycling in Japan

When my husband and I decided to relocate to Japan to a city about an hour south of Tokyo we were looking forward to many things. We had heard, and experienced for ourselves during short trips, how amazing Japan is. From fantastic food from all over the world to the strong presence of traditional Japanese […]

Interview with Ben Marra, 30-time STP Finisher

Ben Marra is an accomplished photographer, avid cyclist and 30-time finisher of the Seattle to Portland bicycle event. BikePT: Have you ridden all editions of STP, since the first one (when it was a time trial)? Ben Marra: I have done 30 rides – all 2 day rides. Do not know about the facts on […]

Saris introduces CycleOps PowerCal

Our friends at Saris have introduced a new type of entry-level power measurement for road, track, mountain, cyclocross, and triathlon, the CycleOps PowerCal, which calculates power measurement from your heart rate. PowerCal retails at just $99, is simple to set up and easy to use. It requires no calibration. Unlike traditional strain gauge meters, which […]

Support crew member needed for 2012 Race Across Oregon

Kent Jewell and James McKee are competing in the Race Across Oregon this year as a 2-man team. They are in need of one more crew member—preferably someone with bike mechanic skills, but that’s not required. Race Across Oregon is a bicycle race in which competitors climb over 40,000 feet in their 515 mile campaign […]

Spring Northwest Rides and Century Events

Century rides are a great way to increase your fitness, see some beautiful country and have a fun time riding your bike. Some upcoming Spring season Century Rides in the Northwest include: Tour de Cure 7 Hills of Kirkland Flying Wheels Chelan Century Apple Century Group Health Inland Empire Century

BikePT jerseys, vests and shorts now available!

New BikePT cycling clothing has proven so popular that our first run of clothing from Champion Systems has mostly been spoken for, however, if you have specific size needs and clothing style (long sleeve, short sleeve, shorts, vest, etc.) you are interested in, please pre-order now! We will be making a re-order in the near […]

When the same old bike routes sound boring

Every cyclist, novice or seasoned, has a mental checklist of bike routes that they are familiar with and feel comfortable riding without a map or cue sheet. But sometimes we just get bored, and winter with all those long slow distance miles and time on the trainer can be especially trying. Let us remember that […]

Bike to Work Day and Bike to Work Month

According to League of American Bicyclists, National Bike Month has, for 55 years, been the perfect time for new or returning riders to get back on the saddle and ride their bike to work. Bike Month is all about promoting cycling and safe bicycling. May 14-18th of 2012 is the official bike to work week, […]

First 2012 BikePT Bronze Class completed

We just completed the first bronze class of 2012. Eight participants from around the United States completed the course and are looking forward to furthering their education in Silver and Gold classes. Check the website if you need assistance from these qualified professionals. Just click the ‘Find a BikePT PRO’ button in the upper […]