Podium Legs: freaking amazing home massage

Massage is essential after hard training blocks. However, it’s expensive and personally after a long ride, I don’t want to leave my couch. Obviously, I can’t afford home visits if I can barely afford to pay my $150 rent—I live in the bike room. It’s luxurious. Recently, I discovered this device called Podium Legs, which […]

Specialized Prevail: I wear my helmet

To maximize my training as a pro cyclist, I recently migrated to warm Tucson to train because the weather is predictable (warm), the cycling community is awesome (you can get your butt kicked any day you choose), and the riding is great. With this move, however, I had to give up many things dear to […]

Enzo’s Buttonhole Chamois Cream: easy on your private parts

Chamois cream is one of the last things cyclists talk about, but this “area” definitely needs preventative care. Get a good chamois cream and use it, on your chamois and on yourself, every time, because you don’t want to be that person wiggling and shifting on your saddle every 30 seconds on a group ride. (We’re all laughing […]

Kurt Kinetic Rock and Roll trainer rocked my ride

OK. So, I used to hate trainers. Really, truly. I hated being in one spot for a long time. It would hurt my girl parts, my hip, everything. I couldn’t get comfortable. When I lived in Seattle, I would have rather ridden in the rain and dark for 4 hours than ride the trainer for […]