Podium Legs: freaking amazing home massage

Massage is essential after hard training blocks. However, it’s expensive and personally after a long ride, I don’t want to leave my couch. Obviously, I can’t afford home visits if I can barely afford to pay my $150 rent—I live in the bike room. It’s luxurious.

Recently, I discovered this device called Podium Legs, which is basically the best thing you can get for home massage. It has these four chambers that compress individually and flush the crap out of your legs and get the blood flowing. In other words, it feels freaking amazing.

Podium Legs

I’ll put on my compression tights and then cozy up with my Podium Legs next to the fire, maybe drink a glass of wine. I’m lying about the fire and wine—but I’d be in a relationship with them on Facebook if I could.

If you don’t believe that two orange tubes could change your life, try them out. Use the code WHEELS and you can even return them if you hate them, but you’ll love them. So be careful with your new addiction.

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