Picture this: You’ve just gotten a new bike, and you go for a ride. It’s a thrill being out riding, breathing deeply, feeling your muscles working, but soon your lower back or your knee or wrist starts hurting. You ride once, twice, maybe three times, then you park your bike in the garage where it never again sees the light of day. Sound familiar?
The pain that results from poor bike fit keeps you from performing at your best, not only on the bike, but also in other parts of your day. Aches, pains and injuries usually occur on the bike because of poor bike fit, but few people will tell you that because, to be honest, few people know.
Proper bike fitting is a science that can make all the difference between riding with pain or riding pain-free with ease.
BikePT™ was founded to address this fundamental need of properly fitting people on their bikes so anyone can fully enjoy the awesome feeling of riding a bike!
BikePT is the definitive education source on bicycling related injuries, their treatment, and bicycling biomechanics for healthcare professionals and cyclists alike. We bring professional education to physical therapists, and helpful resources to bicyclists from all walks of life.
Poke around the site, check out our fit diagrams, read our helpful blog, or find a BikePT Certified Professional in your area to get your own fit.
Our mission is to help more people feel awesome riding their bikes. Be fit, go forth, and ride your bike!